Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Macy B Christensen

Macy B Christensen
March 14, 2012
8 lbs. 13 oz.
21 inches

I am happy to say I now know what a real C-section is like, not an emergency. The delivery was so much better than with Cache. I was so scared but everything went great! I even got to see her right after she came out and Marc and Macy stood by my side until they were finished with me. My recovery has also been so much better this time. I was still in pain but I could lift my baby and get out of bed by myself. I am very grateful that my experience has been better this time. Macy is a wonderful baby and we are so glad she is part of our family!

The first time Cache met Macy. He wasn't allowed in the hospital. He loves her so much and is so cute with her. He always wants to help!

Our happy family!

Our cute little Macy!